Sunday, November 15, 2009

"The Sweet Forever" - Progress

I spent the weekend in Charleston helping my dad work on the boat. We removed some rotten wood and worked on the engine. After an hour of trouble shooting we replaced the battery cables and were able to turn the engine over a few times just to lube up the pistons. Very good sign :) George is starting to build a step in front of the engine to hide the battery and bilge and a leaning post style helm seat. Won't be long now before we are crusing down the ICW. George wants all the Bates clan to use the boat or at least take a ride when he is finished :)

The Sweet Forever lives on!!!!!!

Homemade fiberglass reducers and new hose for exhaust system

Very comfortable and attractive if you ask me :)

The Sweet Forever Update November 15, 2009

Fiished Window Repair Forward

Finished Window Repair Aft

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Sweet Forever Update 10-21-09

Hi Judy,
I've begun to clean the boat with putty knife and shop vac, and I am amazed at what good condition the boat is in. A testament to Roy's standards. All she needs is alot of time and little expense in materials. The best thing you did was to have her covered. I removed the engine spark plugs and squirted some light oil onto the cylinders and got the engine turned over manually. This is a good sign and I don't see why the engine can't be salvaged. Things are looking good. Each day I allow myself to love the boat more. I'll be sending you periodic reports on my progress. Love, George

The Sweet Forever Update 10-9-09

The work has begun!!! I had to redesign the steering system which now works fine. I've removed all the rot from the cabin windows and replaced the plywood. The lexan windows have cleaned up nicely so I will reuse them. Love, George

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

E-Mail from George

Hiya Judd,
It's hard to find words for gratitude, so I'll just say that I really appreciate the time and effort you have put in to The Sweet Forever. She will always be a family boat. I'm just now beginning to take her on. So far, she seems to be in pretty good shape. I pulled out the spark plugs and squirted some PB Blaster into the cylinders and got the engine turned over by hand. Looks like the engine might be salvageable. Anyway, I thanked Judy and will be keeping her posted on the progress. I love that boat!!! The trailer scares me. Con mucho amor, tu Padre favorito...

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I recently trailored the 27'6" boat "The Sweet Forever" to Charleston, SC. My father George Barth will be restoring it. The boat was built by my grandfather Leroy Bates in 1964. On Sunday October 10,2009 Cole Bates and I took the boat up to get new tires on the trailor and it was the first time I had ever seen it on the road. It looked surprizingly stable :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Helms 24 Bimini Top and Frame

I had a chance recently to work on a Helms 24. The same class of boat I learned to sail on. I was asked to build a Bimini Top to offer a bit of shade in the cockpit. The layout of the cockpit, the duel backstay's and the height of the boom all had to be accounted for. Bending the frame and patterning around the stays was a challenge. I used nylon webbing straps with snap hooks forward to the lifelines and aft to the pulpit. Carolina Canvas Works - Lake Murray S.C.

Cooper's Canvas Company

Cooper Canis Major is my best friend and company mascot. My black lab retriever goes everywhere with me. He watching me sew, stares at me and seems to know exactly when its time for me to take a break and rub his back. :) He may just enjoy the low rumble of my sewing machine motor. I need labels to sew into my canvas products. I think I should replace the SC state outline in my existing logo with a picture of Cooper's head. I wonder if my customers would enjoy having my puppy's face on there boat?
I was laying on my couch the other day watching tennis and something caught my eye. I looked down and saw a toad hopping across my living room floor. Cooper was laying on his side and couldn't care less, he saw it, picked his head up and just stared. :) He was looking pretty tired when I grabbed my phone and took this picture. Funny!! Cheers, Judd