Thursday, October 22, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

E-Mail from George

Hiya Judd,
It's hard to find words for gratitude, so I'll just say that I really appreciate the time and effort you have put in to The Sweet Forever. She will always be a family boat. I'm just now beginning to take her on. So far, she seems to be in pretty good shape. I pulled out the spark plugs and squirted some PB Blaster into the cylinders and got the engine turned over by hand. Looks like the engine might be salvageable. Anyway, I thanked Judy and will be keeping her posted on the progress. I love that boat!!! The trailer scares me. Con mucho amor, tu Padre favorito...

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I recently trailored the 27'6" boat "The Sweet Forever" to Charleston, SC. My father George Barth will be restoring it. The boat was built by my grandfather Leroy Bates in 1964. On Sunday October 10,2009 Cole Bates and I took the boat up to get new tires on the trailor and it was the first time I had ever seen it on the road. It looked surprizingly stable :)